We are looking forward to welcome you in the city of Mödling soon! Only one day left until the tournament starts!
I want to inform you, that we will offer a buffet at the venue, where the players can buy a warm meal (with meat or vegetarian), snacks, waffles, cakes, fruits, drinks (cold, warm) and more.
Furthermore there will be a massage therapist present. She will offer massages and other therapy (taping etc) and also first aid, if necessary. The players can register for this service at the tournament control table. They have to pay a service charge of € 5,-
In addition we offer a free shuttle service from the official hotels to the venue and back. You find the timetable for Friday folowing: TimetableTransport_Friday
It will be also hanged out at the hotels. Please note, that a transports from Hotel HB1 will only be operated, if you book and confirm it the day before at the organizer.
Referring to the General Data Protection Regulation of the EU, I would like to inform you, that by participating at the tournament, the players agree that photos of them will be taken during the tournament and may be used for further use. In addition they agree, that they will be filmed by television. Feel free to contact us for any further information or disagreement!
The photos will also be made available to the players.